EDUCATION Master of Fine Arts in Scenic Design Detroit, MI Wayne State University, May 2011
Bachelor of Arts in Technical Theatre Brookings, SD South Dakota State University, May 2007
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY OF SIOUX FALLS Sioux Falls, SD Scenic Designer/Adjunct Faculty August 2017-present * taught Theatre Production which equipped students with a strong base for their technical skills to develop * spearheaded an effort to improve design collaboration and processes * improved shop build quality by advising shop foreman on effective construction techniques * introduced both theatre and art students to more advanced and frequently utilized paint techniques
WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Sioux Falls, SD Technical Director/Scenic Designer/Teacher August 2017-present *introduced students to all areas of technical theatre both in a classroom setting and with hands on experience *mentored tech students in all areas of interest including design, stage management, and other leadership roles *served as sole production staff and designer for the department and the school as a whole *oversaw budgets, marketing, sales, schedules, supplies, maintenance, and theatre/shop spaces DES MOINES METRO OPERA Indianola, IA Scenic Charge Artist May 2017-July 2017 * lead a team of painters in the completion of 3 shows for a nationally acclaimed summer opera season *generated fully painted scenery for 2 in house shows and altering another, created off site, for additional details, as requested by the designer *maintained paint finishes through a repertory season, where scenery was often subject to the outdoor elements *mentor student painters through Master Classes and on the job training SOUTH BEND CIVIC THEATRE South Bend, IN Scenic Designer/ Scenic Artist/ Production Manager October 2011-September 2016 * realized scenic designs for a wide range of theatrical performances, totaling 38 * served as Scenic Charge Artist on 56 shows, often acting as the sole painter * introduced a wide range of new paint tools and techniques to elevate the standard level of scenic finish work * mentored production teams, pushing them toward higher design standards and collaborative efforts * introduced an online production/ event calendar and pioneered the used of online collaboration software
THE LITTLE THEATRE ON THE SQUARE Sullivan, IL Scenic Charge Artist May 2011-August 2011 * coordinated with designers on desired paint treatments and technical director on budgets/timelines * oversaw scenic assistants to paint 5 main stage musicals, and 2 children’s show * created department timelines, upheld paint budgets, and maintained supplies
HILBERRY THEATRE Detroit, MI Scenic Assistant August 2008-May 2011 * cooperated with fellow assistants to create all scenic elements in a 6 show season * served in scenic leadership roles such as Scenic Designer, Scenic Charge Artist, and Technical Director * completed 4 scenic designs, 5 scenic charge assignments, and 3 technical director assignments
ADDITIONAL SKILLS * production: carpentry, properties management, stage management, costume construction, electrics, run crew, lighting design, sound design * scenic art: color mixing (latex, Rosco Super Saturated), layout (projection, grid, architectural, free hand) advanced faux finishes, tromp l’oeil, stenciling, faux gilding, glazes, air sprayer, foam carving, textural applications, fabric drops, floor cloths and standard floor treatments, murals * scenic design: sketching, color rendering (acrylic, watercolor, gouache), model building, hand drafting, CAD * programs: Office Suite, Google Suite, Vector Works, Photoshop, Dropbox, Basecamp *knowledge in art history, art styles, architecture, and theatre history